Thursday, 17 November 2011

Clearing out the graveyard of doom (i.e my bathroom cabinet)

I can't believe it's been 17 days since I last posted. I was on an adventurous trip: diving, trekking, jet-skiing, etc. Of course I was willing to miss school just to make myself available! My resolution led to humoungous pile of to-do-lists since there was work to be done for all the time that I was missing...which I only realized in November.

In times of great stress I like to take a time-out and de-clutter my room. Usually I tidy up my table before the start of focused studying, but this time around I decided to clear out the area that I only dare to take a small glimpse at before I hurridly throw more things inside. Yes it is the graveyard where beauty products are chucked in and left to grow cobwebs (oh how I wish this was rhetorical).

After 4(!) years of moving into my current abode, I finally decided to check what I have and do a clear out. I resolutely prepared a big black trashbag that could hide a body and started cleaning.

I found moisturizers that I can't even remember where or when I bought, big tubes of conditioners and small travel size products that I've never used that promptly went into the bin. Then I discovered a small white box, what could be inside?

You have got to be kidding me. 12 lipbalms of the same kind. I have yet to even finish 1 lipbalm in my life. At least the lipbalms feel pretty good and are supposed to be fantastic in cold weather *grumbles at my past self that bought this*

It can't be any worse right? Then I came across this

What on earth, I don't use body sprays or perfume, how did these things get in my cabinet?! The Biotherm body spray was so old that the plastic wrapped around the bottle had turned a nasty shade of yellow/brown and the silver rim of the bottle is flaking off. At least these scented water should still be usable...I think. I can count the number of times that I have used a fragrance simply because:
1) most of them are so overpowering to my nose
 2) I can't stand smelling perfume on myself.

I am such a cheapskate that I will make myself use these things *cries*

Then came the cherry on the topping

A lifting cream by Estee Lauder, a Silk Naturals Vitamin C serum that is to be used within 3 months of purchase which I bought 7 months ago, and 2 Clarins cream (do they even make them in this packaging anymore?!)

My Silk Naturals Green Tea and Oatmeal serum was smelling a bit sour so I trashed it and replaced it with the Estee Laude lifting cream, that I am using exclusively for my neck. My rule is when in doubt of a product, never use it on my face. The Estee Lauder bottle states that it can be used 24 months after opening, so it might still be good.

I persisted with the SN Vitamin C serum for a while, convincing myself that the serum is yellow, not brown and still usable. Alas, my face broke out during my diving trip and I decided to ditch this serum when I concluded that it's not worth risking the condition of my face. Oh the pain I felt at throwing money away. That truly made me resolute to finish as much of my products as possible.

The Clarins creams turned out to be a joke. The day cream smelled like vomit after squeezing it out, and the night one, while smelling fine intially, coagulated with oil in the joints of my body so I removed it with cleansing wipes. Thankfully, I never paid any money for these items. My mom had some extra Clarins product so she just passed them onto me...years ago.

Cleaning my cabinet has been eye-opening and depressing at the same time. I have so many hair products for long hair, many moisturizers and toners and it seems like it will take forever to get through any of it. In faith and hope, I shall turn to Project $50 10 pan, which will be discussed tomorrow.

P.S. The graveyard is also where I store all my BB creams. There isn't much space for them in an orderly cabinet, so I placed them into a shoe box.

Yep, it's all BB creams and related products. It's filled to the brim, I'm missing 2 other BB creams that are not at home with me and I gave my big bottle of BRTC Jasmine Water to a friend. I'm not kidding when I say I have a lot of something.

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